{extends 'template:Основной'} {block 'content'} {$_modx->runSnippet('!msProducts', [ 'limit' => 0, 'tpl' => 'one.product.tpl.in_collection', 'class' => 'msProduct', 'innerJoin' => '{ "msCategory": { "class":"msCategory", "alias":"msCategory", "on":"msProduct.parent = msCategory.id"}}', 'sortby' => '{ "Link.sort":"ASC" }', 'tvPrefix' => '', 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'select' => '{ "msProduct":"*" ,"normal":"normal.url as normal" ,"normalx1":"normalx1.url as normalx1" }', 'parents' => '9407', 'depth' => '10', 'link' => '2', 'master' => $_modx->resource.id, 'toPlaceholder' => 'slave', '-showLog' => 1, ])} {$_modx->runSnippet('!msProducts', [ 'limit' => 0, 'tpl' => 'one.product.tpl.in_collection', 'class' => 'msProduct', 'innerJoin' => '{ "msCategory": { "class":"msCategory", "alias":"msCategory", "on":"msProduct.parent = msCategory.id"}}', '-sortby' => '{ "price":"ASC" }', 'tvPrefix' => '', 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'select' => '{ "msProduct":"*" ,"normal":"normal.url as normal" ,"normalx1":"normalx1.url as normalx1" }', 'parents' => '9407', 'depth' => '10', 'link' => '3', 'master' => $_modx->resource.id, 'toPlaceholder' => 'slaveCompareBuy', ])}
{if $_modx->resource.id == 64365} {$_modx->runSnippet('!msProducts', [ 'limit' => 4, 'tpl' => 'one.product.tpl.noPrice', 'sortby' => 'RAND()', 'parents' => '28383', '28382', 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'where' => '{ "Vendor.id": 2936 }', 'toPlaceholder' => 'otherCollectionOneVendor' ])} {/if} {include 'breadcrumbs'}
{$_modx->runSnippet('msGallery', [ 'tpl' => 'product.gallery.tpl' ])}

{$_modx->resource.seoH1 ?: $_modx->resource.pagetitle}

{if $_modx->getPlaceholder('vendor.logo')} {/if} {if $article} Артикул: {$article} {/if}
    {if $quantity != '' && $quantity > 0}
    Дата доставки: {$_modx->runSnippet('!tomorrowDay')}
    Дата самовывоза: {$_modx->runSnippet('!currentDay')}
    Стоимость доставки: Узнать
    Способ оплаты: Узнать
    Стоимость Уточняйте у менеджера
    Способ оплаты: Узнать
    Самовывоз: Уточняйте у менеджера
    Заказной товар: Возврату не подлежит
{include 'online.tpl'} {include 'availability.tpl'}

  {if $old_price} {$old_price} ₽ {/if}   {if $old_price} {/if} {$price} ₽  () {if $old_price} {/if}   {if $old_price} {var $old_price_float = $old_price | replace : ' ':''} {var $price_float = $price | replace : ' ':''} {*(( ($id | resource : 'old_price') - ($id | resource : 'price') ) / ($id | resource : 'old_price') * 100) | round*} {(( $old_price_float - $price_float ) / $old_price_float * 100) | round}% {/if} {if !$old_price} {if $_modx->runSnippet('!check_action')} {if $_modx->runSnippet('!info_action')} {/if} {/if} {if $_modx->getPlaceholder('check_action_placeholder')}

{/if} {/if}

{*if $old_price}

{$old_price} ₽

-{$_modx->resource.price - $_modx->resource.old_price} ₽

{(( ($id | resource : 'old_price') - ($id | resource : 'price') ) / ($id | resource : 'old_price') * 100) | round}% {/if*}
{if $modx->getPlaceholder('slave')} {/if} {if $price > 0 && $modx->getPlaceholder('slave') == ''}

{if $show_checkboxes != 2 && $show_checkboxes != 3} шт {/if} {if ($count_piece && $count_m2) && ($show_checkboxes == 3)} {if $unity == 'м2'} {elseif $unity == 'шт' || $unity == 'шт.'} {/if} {if $unity == 'м2'} {elseif $unity == 'шт' || $unity == 'шт.'} {/if} м2 упак. шт. {elseif $count_m2 && ($show_checkboxes == 2)} {if $unity == 'м2'} {elseif $unity == 'шт' || $unity == 'шт.'} {/if} {if $unity == 'м2'} {elseif $unity == 'шт' || $unity == 'шт.'} {/if} м2 шт. {/if}

{if $ucenka == true && $quantity == 0}
{else} {/if}

{$_modx->runSnippet('!addComparison', [ 'list_id' => 37981, 'tpl' => 'tpl.Comparison.add.use', ])}
{/if} {if $old_price}
*** Скидка на акционную плитку распространяется при покупке всей коллекции с декоративными элементами в соразмерном помещению колличестве
{/if} {if $quantity == '' || $quantity == 0}
В связи с нестабильностью валютных рынков просим уточнять цену у менеджера
{if $quantity != '' && $quantity > 0}


{var $sklads_list = (1 | resource : 'sklads_list')} {var $sklads_list_prepare = $sklads_list | split : ','} {var $sklads = []} {foreach $sklads_list_prepare as $sklad} {var $sklad_arr = $sklad | split : '++'} {if count($sklad_arr) == 2} {var $sklads[$sklad_arr[0]] = $sklad_arr[1]} {/if} {/foreach} {foreach $sklads as $sklad} {if (($id | resource : $sklad) | replace:',':'.') > 0 && ($id | resource : $sklad) != ''}

{$_modx->lexicon('ms2_product_' ~ $sklad)}: {$id | resource : $sklad}  ({$unity})

{/if} {/foreach} {* СТАРАЯ ВЕРСИЯ foreach [ 'sklad__roz_sklad_poch_ovrag_1', '___sklad__rez_sklad_poch_ovrag_1', '___sklad__vikleyka', '___sklad__vostok', '___sklad__ug', '___sklad__sektion_28', '___sklad__dkv_vistavka', '___sklad__otdel_materiali', '___sklad__laki_kraski', 'sklad__16_let', 'sklad__tandem', '___sklad__klementina', '___sklad__pretenzionniy', '___sklad__vistavka_magazin_santehniki', 'sklad__magazin_santehniki_melk', 'sklad__sklad_santehniki_krup', 'sklad__sklad_magazin_dkv' ] as $sklad} {if (($id | resource : $sklad) | replace:',':'.') > 0 && ($id | resource : $sklad) != ''}

Склад: {$_modx->lexicon('ms2_product_' ~ $sklad)}

Количество на складе: {$id | resource : $sklad}  ({$unity})

{/if} {/foreach*}
{foreach ['color_feet', 'article', 'color', 'sizes', 'weight', 'vendor.name', 'made_in', 'destination', 'tile_format', 'tile_type', 'surface_type', 'design', 'composition', 'mix_type', 'unity' ] as $field} {if $id | resource : $field} {switch $field} {case 'color', 'destination', 'size', 'tile_format', 'surface_type'} {case default} {/switch} {/if} {/foreach}
{$_modx->lexicon('ms2_product_' ~ $field)}{implode(', ', $id | resource : $field)}{$id | resource : $field}
Поделится в социальных сетях:
{if $_modx->resource.content != ''}
{$_modx->resource.content} {if !($made_in in list ['Россия', 'Украина', 'Беларусь', 'Испания', 'Индия']) && $_modx->config.text_not_russian}
{/if} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('slave')} {/if} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('otherCollectionOneVendor')}
{/if} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('master')}
{/if} {if !$modx->getPlaceholder('otherCollectionOneVendor')} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('slaveCompareBuy')}
{/if} {/if} {$_modx->getChunk('block_advantages')}
{$_modx->runSnippet('!looked', [ 'tpl' => 'one.product.tpl.noPrice', 'limit' => 4, 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'select' => '{ "msProduct":"*" ,"normal":"normal.url as normal" ,"normalx1":"normalx1.url as normalx1" }', ])}