{extends 'template:Base'} {block 'content'} {$_modx->runSnippet('!msProducts', [ 'limit' => 0, 'tpl' => 'mbl.product-card-version2.tpl', 'class' => 'msProduct', 'innerJoin' => '{ "msCategory": { "class":"msCategory", "alias":"msCategory", "on":"msProduct.parent = msCategory.id"}}', 'sortby' => '{ "Link.sort":"ASC" }', 'tvPrefix' => '', 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'select' => '{ "msProduct":"*" ,"normal":"normal.url as normal" ,"normalx1":"normalx1.url as normalx1" }', 'parents' => '9407', 'depth' => '10', 'link' => '2', 'master' => $_modx->resource.id, 'toPlaceholder' => 'slave', '-showLog' => 1, ])} {$_modx->runSnippet('!msProducts', [ 'limit' => 0, 'tpl' => 'mbl.product-card-version2.tpl', 'class' => 'msProduct', 'innerJoin' => '{ "msCategory": { "class":"msCategory", "alias":"msCategory", "on":"msProduct.parent = msCategory.id"}}', 'sortby' => '{ "Link.sort":"ASC" }', 'tvPrefix' => '', 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'select' => '{ "msProduct":"*" ,"normal":"normal.url as normal" ,"normalx1":"normalx1.url as normalx1" }', 'parents' => '9407', 'depth' => '10', 'link' => '4', 'master' => $_modx->resource.id, 'toPlaceholder' => 'variants', '-showLog' => 1, ])} {include 'mbl.breadcrumbs.tpl'} {include 'yandexEcommerceProduct.tpl'}
{$_modx->runSnippet('!msGallery', [ 'tpl' => 'mbl.product__gallery.tpl', 'product' => $id, 'limit' => 4 ])}

{$_modx->resource.pagetitle} {if $_modx->resource.tile_type == 'Коллекция' }({$_modx->getPlaceholder('vendor.name')}){/if}

{include 'mbl.product__tag-presence.tpl'} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('slave')}
{include 'mbl.product__price.tpl'}
{else} {if $_modx->resource.id == 59961 or $_modx->resource.id == 59981 or $_modx->resource.id == 56337 } {include 'count-product-input.tpl'} {/if}
{include 'mbl.product__price.tpl'}
{include 'mbl.product__unity.tpl'}
{if $unity == 'м2' } {elseif $unity == 'шт' || $unity == 'шт.' || $unity='' } {/if} {if $_modx->resource.made_in != "Италия"} {/if} {include 'alert-instability-price.tpl'} {include 'alert-buy-all-collection.tpl'}
Возникли вопросы? {/if} {include 'mbl.sklad.tpl'}

{if $_modx->getPlaceholder('vendor.logo')}
{include 'mbl.product__charecters.tpl'} {if $_modx->resource.id == 95773}
Поделится в социальных сетях:
{if $modx->getPlaceholder('slave')}

Товары из коллекции

{/if} {$_modx->runSnippet('!msProducts', [ 'limit' => 4, 'resources' => '-', 'tpl' => 'mbl.product-card.tpl', 'sortby' => 'RAND()', 'parents' => '28383', '28382', 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'where' => '{ "Vendor.id": 2932 }', 'toPlaceholder' => 'otherCollectionOneVendor' ])} {if $_modx->user.id == 1 and $_modx->config.view_variant_product}

Варианты товара

{$modx->getPlaceholder('variants')} {if !$modx->getPlaceholder('variants')}

Нет вариантов товара

{set $product_variants = '!msProducts'|snippet: [ 'parents' => 0, 'link' => 4, 'master' => $_modx->resource.id, 'returnIds' => 1, ]} {set $str_product_variants = $product_variants | replace : "," : ",-"}
{/if} {if $_modx->user.id != 1 or !$_modx->config.view_variant_product} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('variants')}

Варианты товара

{/if} {/if} {if $modx->getPlaceholder('otherCollectionOneVendor')}

Другие коллекции производителя

{'!looked'|snippet : [ 'tpl' => 'mbl.product-card.tpl', 'limit' => 8, 'includeThumbs' => 'normal', 'leftJoin' => '{ "normal": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normal", "on": "normal.product_id = msProduct.id AND normal.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normal.rank=0"} ,"normalx1": { "class":"msProductFile","alias":"normalx1", "on": "normalx1.product_id = msProduct.id AND normalx1.path LIKE \'%/normal/\' AND normalx1.rank=1"} }', 'select' => '{ "msProduct":"*" ,"normal":"normal.url as normal" ,"normalx1":"normalx1.url as normalx1" }', ] }
{/block} {block 'style'} {/block} {block 'scripts'} {if $_modx->user.id == 1} {/if} {/block}